Final presentation

This are the three topics that I chose to describe:

-Game studies: Ludus, Paida and Narrative


-Hour of Code.

Game Studies: I think people would be interested in Game studies because by knowing this topic you can evaluate, understand and describe a game, being precise and brief. Game studies are three things that are really important to a game. Narrative is the story that the game has. Paida are the rules and things you can do in a game. And finally there is Ludus, which is the winning condition or the thing you have got to do to win the game. I like game studies because it helps me understand a game and that helps you to evaluate the game.

Arduino: Arduino is the type of program that people like because it has its own unique, simplified programming language, a vast support network, and thousands of potential uses, which is perfect for people wanting to learn about programming. Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform designed to make experimenting with electronics more fun and intuitive. I like Arduino for the same reason people would like the program.

Hour of Code: I think people would like Hour of Code because the program teaches you the basic stuff of programming, making the program fun and interesting for beginners. Hour of Code is a program that introduces you to computer science, teaching you the essential part that you need to know about programming. I like Hour of Code because it teaches you about programming in a fun and exciting way other programs are not able to achieve. 

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